XVI PASA Pan American Surfing Games Official Invitation

The Pan American Surf Association (PASA), with the invaluable support of the Government of the Republic of Panama through the Panamanian Sports Institute and the Panamanian Tourism Authority, and the collaboration of the Panamanian Surfing Association, is pleased to invite all its member National Federations to participate in the XVI PASA Pan American Surfing Games, 2023 Panama PASA Games.

Qualifying event for the Santiago 2023 Pan American Games and that will be disputed according to the following rules:


From Thursday, April 20 to Sunday, April 30, 2023.


Santa Catalina, province of Veraguas, Panama.




Stand Up Paddle: Surf and Technical Race (6 kilometers).


Female and male.


Only teams representing PASA member National Federations and in full compliance and exercise of their statutory obligations, composed of a maximum of 20 competitors (10 women and 10 men) and six technical support staff, according to the following table:

ShortboardUp to 4 placesUp to 4 places
LongboardUp to 2 placesUp to 2 places
SUP SurfUp to 2 placesUp to 2 places
SUP RaceUp to 2 placesUp to 2 places
Director, technical, support staffUp to 6 persons

The individual winners will receive Gold, Silver, Bronze and Copper Medals for the competitors who in each modality and event obtain 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th place, respectively.

A Trophy and Medals will be awarded to the National Teams that obtain 1st, 2nd or 3rd place in the overall sum of points.

Pan American Games Santiago 2023 quota places

According to the following availability:

ShortboardUp to 8 placesUp to 8 places
LongboardUp to 4 placesUp to 4 places
SUP SurfUp to 4 placesUp to 4 places
SUP RaceUp to 4 placesUp to 4 places

In all cases, if a National Federation obtains one of the available qualification slots and has qualifiers by other means, according to the conditions established for classification to the Pan American Games Santiago 2023, the quota will be reallocated until the available slots are filled.

More information on the Santiago 2023 Qualification System, available at this link.


Registration for the XVI PASA Pan American Surfing Games will open on Monday, February 6, 2023.

They will be received only through the respective National Federation, by filling out the corresponding form, with a minimum of 50 days in advance in numerical form and 20 days in nominal form (March 21, at the latest).

They will have a cost of $150 US dollars for each competitor and for each team official (management, technical and support personnel); payments must be deposited and the vouchers must accompany the nominal registration document.

Accompanying persons will not be accepted unless they are duly registered by their Federation and the corresponding payment is made. Accompanying persons will count towards the technical staff quota.

The nominal registration document per national team must be accompanied by the passport of the corresponding country of each member of the National Team, which must be valid for at least 6 months after April 30, 2023.

No registrations will be received after the deadline date.

The digital registration form will be sent shortly.

Confirmation of registrations on the event site will be made up to 48 hours before the start of the event.

Rules and regulations

The International Surfing Association (ISA) Sport Rules, the Competition Rules of the tournament and the applicable ISA, PASA and Panam Sports regulations where applicable.

Competition Officials

The Competition Officials (Competition Director, Mode Director, Chief Judges, Judges and other technical positions) shall be appointed by the Pan American Surf Association.

The Competition Director shall be the highest authority of the Championship and his decisions shall be final.

Technical Meeting

It will be held in person at the competition site, on April 19, 2023 at 19:00 hrs local time, at a place to be determined. This meeting must be attended by the Team Manager and a maximum of one (1) accompanying person.

Transfers, lodging and meals

Each participant’s expenses for international transportation to the venue, as well as lodging and meals will be paid by each National Federation.

In future communications we will be informing more details about lodging places, technical details of the competition and other important points about the event.

For further information, please write to oficina@pasasurf.org.

We hope to see you soon in Panama. Sincerely yours,

Karín V. Sierralta Alarcón
President of the Pan American Surf Association